According to UNWTO, over the past six decades, tourism has experienced continued expansion and diversification, to become one of the largest and fastest-growing economic sectors in the world. An ever-increasing number of destinations worldwide have opened up to, and invested in tourism, turning it into a key driver of socio-economic progress through the creation of jobs and enterprises, export revenues, and infrastructure development.
The number international tourists has grown from 25 million in 1950 to 1235 million in 2016. Today Tourism represents 10 % of GDP, 1 in 10 jobs and 7% of the world exports. More data are available at the UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2017 Edition
Regulation & Standards Group
ISO/TC 228 which cover the following areas:
WG 1 – Diving Services
WG 2 – Health Tourism Services
WG 7 – Adventure Tourism
WG 8 – Yacht Harbours
WG 11 – Bareboat Charters
WG 13 – Sustainable Tourism
WG 14 – Accessible Tourism
WG 15 – Accomodation
WG 16 – Restaurant
The Technical Committee TC 228, responsible for tourism and related services within the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), will develop a global and transversal international standard that will include, initially, a systematic inventory of existing standards, technical criteria, recommendations and requirements in the field of accessible tourism. In addition, recommendations and requirements will be suggested for those segments of the value chain and related activities whose international standardization in terms of accessibility is still pending.
The UNWTO.Themis Foundation is responsible for implementing the work programme on Education and Training of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), with the objective of supporting Member States in the formulation and implementation of educational policies, plans and instruments which effectively contribute to an improvement in the quality, competitiveness and sustainability of the tourism sector through excellence in education and training.
From the initiative of the ONCE Foundation, the Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the first working meeting for the development of an International Standard on Accessible Tourism for All was held in Madrid on 13-14 February.
Tourism Training Courses
List of Related Standards whit ISO/TC 228
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