Ind-Expocertification Ltd (iec)

When you train with us, you're training with the very best in the business.
Why train with Ind-Expo?
Because we’ve helped shape and develop many of the world’s leading standards, our expert knowledge means a lot, and when you train with us you benefit from this expertise.
Training Courses:

Training courses for ISO 9001 Quality Management
Training courses for ISO 14001 Environmental Management
Occupational Health and Safety Training Courses BS OHSAS 18001

Other courses
ISO 22301 Business Continuity ISO 22301
ISO 27001 Cloud Security ISO 27001
ISO 44001 Collaborative Relationships ISO 44001
ISO 50001 Energy Management ISO 50001
ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security ISO/IEC 27001                                                                 
ISO 13053 Lean Six Sigma ISO 13053
ISO 13485 Medical Devices ISO 13485
ISO 31000 Risk Management ISO 31000
ISO 39001 Road traffic safety (RTS) Training ISO 39001
ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety ISO 45001
ISO 20121 Sustainable Events Management ISO 20121

Food Hygiene Training
Barista Training
Chef Training

Course for Tour Guides & Tour Businesses

GIS Training
Welding course
SCADA Training


International Company for Certification & Inspection

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